Manchester-Besançon Microlensing Simulator v2


Terms of use

The authors of the Manchester-Besançon Microlensing Simulator (MaBμlS) assert their right to be associated with this work. This does not imply endorsement of other works that make use of it.

Use within papers, posters or conference proceedings of data products deriving from MaBμlS is permitted provided the following paper is cited:

Specht, D., Kerins, E., Awiphan, S. & Robin, A.C, 2020, MaBμlS-2: high-precision microlensing modelling for the large-scale survey era, MNRAS, 498, 2196

Use within all other public contexts of data products deriving from MaBμlS is permitted provided it is accompanied by the following credit:

MaBμlS microlensing simulation by Specht, Kerins, Awiphan & Robin (

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